1. Milan Milovanović, Car Factory , Serbia
The paper shows the results of researches on introduction of new materials (new generation plastic masses, high strength steel sheet metal) with the intention to satisfy the regulations, improve the construction or monitor the worldwide trends in car industry. The application of new materials can influence the existing technologies; therefore, when introducing the new materials it is necessary to determine the level of technologies modification, i.e. the need for introduction of new technologies. The paper presents some of considered influential parameters. In order to determine the effects of new materials application, it was necessary to develop the investigation methods, which will be shown in the paper.
Кључне речи:
karoserija, materijali, primena
Тематска област:
Саобраћајна средства и транспорт
Уводни рад:
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Бр. отварања:
11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering