1. A.s Luyt, Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar University, PO Box 2713, Doha, Qatar, Qatar
High density (HDPE), low density (LDPE) and linear low density (LLDPE) polyethylene were melt mixed with paraffin (WAX) and Ag nanoparticles (mass ratio 90/9/1 respectively). The neat samples were annealed for 15 min at next temperatures: 50, 65, 80 and 95 C. Differential scanning calorimetry and optical microscopy were used to show effects of annealing on neat morphologies. DC and AC electrical measurements suggest an existence of redistribution processes of Ag nanoparticles during annealing. Depending on initial morphology, electrical ageing of the samples in DC electrical field may contribute to the redistribution of Ag particles in composite.
Кључне речи:
polyethylene, paraffin, nano silver composites
Тематска област:
СИМПОЗИЈУМ А: Наука материје, кондензоване материје
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Бр. отварања:
Contemporary Materials - 2013 - Савремени материјали