Will smart contracts replace patents?

Will smart contracts replace patents?

1. Thomas Meitinger, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM) , Spain

The aim of patents is to protect inventions. But, there are disadvantages of patents. These disadvantages will be determined and it will be sought for an alternative to patents, which does not comprise these disadvantages. A major risk when applying for a patent is that it is not certain that a patent will be granted. It may be that important technical know-how does not lead to a patent, because a similar disclosure has already been published. The discovery and recognition of the importance of such know-how does not lead to its patentability. Smart contracts could establish themselves as an alternative to patents. One advantage of smart contracts is that there is no risk that relevant technical know-how becomes worthless during a granting procedure.

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Тематска област: Друштвене науке

Датум: 29.10.2017.

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